
MSUCLEANING cleaning is so more important

Cleaners and the cleaning industry can be overlooked and thought of as unimportant or unskilled. Now is the time to remind everyone how important you are and that your job means something to all of us. Below we will show our clients and the wider public, how we can help them with our professionalism eye for detail, keeping businesses trading and keeping people safe.

We’ve put together a reminder of all the critical points and guidance you need to work safely and effectively to minimise the outbreak.

We want to give you the confidence you need to clean professionally and safely, if you have queries, please get in touch.


• Normal cleaning must be done to remove dust and debris from a surface before disinfecting, otherwise it won’t work.  

• Use your normal product on the surface to clean it first. After normal cleaning is complete, change your cloth/mop to apply disinfectant.

• Follow the dilution rates as you would with all chemicals to mix the disinfectant correctly with water. Add the water to the mop bucket/bottle first, then the concentrate (not the other way around.)

• Work to your normal cleaning spec where possible but remember that disinflation of floors, surfaces and touch points is the top priority above all else (see the list of touch points and surfaces further down.) This is more important than other tasks which may have to be completed less often unless you have been given more time to clean.

• Spray the disinfectant on to the cloth not the surface, this prevents participles being blown into the air.

• Leave it to dry on the surface.

• Note that disinfectant once mixed with water is not effective forever, it will slowly degrade, so don’t use old mixtures for too long.

How to BE SAFE!

Use a face covering  a suitable one of your choosing, whenever you are cleaning. Have it on before you approach your job. Don’t remove it until you have left your job

Wear your uniform! This is critical to ensure you are taken seriously, and it reassures the customer that you know how to do your job, as well as everyone knowing who you are and why you are there.

Wear gloves - wear the gloves during all cleaning activity.

Don’t touch your face - avoid this as much as possible at all, but do not touch your face at all during cleaning while your hands could be contaminated.

•Cough and sneeze into your elbow - If you cough or sneeze and don’t have tissues, to hand, do it in to your elbow. If you use a tissue, dispose of it in a closed bin and wash your hands immediately.

Ventilate  - the area you are cleaning by opening doors and windows wherever possible, as long as you are not causing a security hazard, and remember to lock windows and doors if you are leaving an unoccupied building.  

Keep your distance - 2m away from all people when cleaning. On domestic jobs clients should stick to one room that isn’t cleaned during your visit, and remain there until you leave.

•Wash your hands - sanitise with alcohol gel or wash your hands thoroughly before you begin cleaning and after you’ve finished cleaning. This should be the first and last thing you do. Check you are cleaning your hands properly using the guide below. Use paper towels to dry your hands, not fabric towels or electric hand driers.

•Wash your cloths and uniform - after each day or shift, normal laundry processes are adequate.

•Sanitise your kit and equipment - when cleaning don’t forget mop handles, vacuums and poles, buckets.

•Change vacuum bags regularly - this will minimise possible contamination.

•Tie customer bin bags before moving them as their contents are unknown and this will prevent the spread of the virus.

•Follow on site guidance - each customer will have their own protocols in place, pay attention to any signage and instructions on site such as one way and restricted areas.

•Car share - only if you have to, such as those working in teams of two on mobile rounds. You MUST wear your face covering in the car, one of you MUST sit in the back of the car if possible to maximise distancing, you MUST sanitise the vehicle before and after use - door handles, driving controls, seat belts etc,  you MUST open the windows for ventilation whenever weather permits.  

•Report symptoms! It is paramount that you report any Covid-19 related symptoms  immediately. If you or anyone in your household has symptoms, or if you are contacted by the NHS test and trace team.  

Touch Points

This is a list of items to disinfect for your customers, every chance you get. Anything that can be touched regularly needs to be considered and each customer will be different, but we’ve covered as many as we can to give you a good guide.

•Door handles

•Glass viewing panels in doors

•Light switches and electrical sockets

•Desk surfaces


•Keyboards and mice

•Monitor buttons

•Door access keypad/intercom buttons

•All bathroom/toilet surfaces;

•Cubicle panels, doors panels around sinks

•Taps in kitchens and bathrooms

•Dispensers of soap, paper towels etc

•buttons/controls on printers

•Chairs, chair arms, chair adjustment controls

• microwaves, fridge handles

•Kitchen cupboard handles

•Kitchen worktops

•Lift buttons and lift panels

•Hand rails on stairs